Saturday, November 8, 2014


Today was our last day in the Congo. I can't believe that we are headed to America. We will spend two days in Burundi and three days in Rwanda before flying out on the 13th. It seems weird to be going to my childhood home as a vacation rather then coming home to stay. To know that I only have four months in America before we head back to my new home is a very strange feeling. I'm so thankful that I have gotten the opportunity to live in the Congo and learn a new culture. As we were driving to Burundi, I remember my first day getting off the plane. Thinking to myself what did I get myself into. I don't know anyone but Fahamu and I don't know the language. Now as I'm leaving the Congo I think of all the new people that I have met. I can't believe that I'm as lucky as I am to have met the people I have met. I can't wait to share with my American family about my new African family. 

This will be Fahamu's first time in America and I can't wait to share this experience with him. He has heard me talk so much about America and where I'm from and now he get to see all my stories come alive. We ask that you continue to pray for us and this trip. We are also still trying to raise $500 for our widows and their small businesses.