
James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…"

We want to look after the orphans and widows like Jesus tells us too.

The widows in these community have been used and hurt. Many churches asked the widows for money saying that they will help them buy land and help with school fees, so the widows gave the money hoping to receive some land and assistance. When the next Sunday came, the widows realized that their money was gone and they had been lied too. This makes it hard for these women to really trust us or any church. But after many months of Bible studies they have started to trust us. We want to be able to teach them about the Bible, help with basic needs and practical training (sewing, jewelry making, etc) so they can bring in an income.

With our orphans we want to provide money for school fees, school supplies, clothing, health care and food. We believe that through a good education they will find hope. Having hope will change their lives, their communities and this whole country. Education is the key to unlocking the hope and joy for these children.

In this community there are many kids who are abandoned or don't have good families. Some of these kids who have no one or nothing to do will join the rebel groups. We decided  to form a soccer team where we could have Bible study and then the kids can play soccer. This gives them something positive to do with their spare time.

We also want to have a center that will have computers, sewing machines and different practical teachings for the youth. This will help the youth find good jobs and help them provide for their families.

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