Monday, June 1, 2015


Today while doing my devo I ran across this saying "Truly, it is worth being poor and greatly tried in faith, for the sake of having day by day such precious proofs of the loving interest which our kind Father takes in everything that concerns us". George Muller 

As I read this, I reflected on my life here as a missionary. I was thinking, am I happy that I am poor in money, there are many days when my answer is no. I think of all the things I could do if I had more money for our ministries. If I didn't have to continuously pray for more support and if I didn't have to continuously ask for more money. My least favorite part of being a missionary is asking for support. But I see that with being poor in wealth is making me strive to be rich in faith. I have to rely on God to provide because I have no other way to provide for myself. He has put on people's heart to support us and I'm so happy for that. I have to continue to trust in His will for my life. This can also be very hard. When we go to these villages, there are so many needs and everyone asks us for help. How do I chose who gets what and how do I chose what to tell people at home. If I wrote down all the needs that are here I would never stop writing. This is where my mind wonders off and I think how did I get this role. I do not want to let anyone down, I want everyone to have someone speaking on their behalf. I guess I have been dong a lot of thinking since coming back. I don't have answers to all the questions I ask myself. But I do have God who is in my corner, cheering me on, telling me what to do and how to do it. Yes I may be poor in wealth but I feel that everyday I'm becoming richer in my faith.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


I can't even begin to describe how blessed I feel for our time here in Hawaii. The second day we were here the new quarter started at YWAM, this meant that we got to witness all the new students arriving in Kona. The campus has a welcome night were they bring people who are native to the land, to dance and sing to welcome the new students to their land. It's such a beautiful event to witness. Hawaii has such a special history and wonderful culture. After they perform, they bring a flags of every country that has a student attending the school. They will say the country and the person holding the flag will run through the crowd. As I was watching and listening to this I got tears in my eyes. I felt so overwhelmed by how many countries had Christians in it. United States was last and for some reason I didn't expect a big cheer, but when the said United States the crowd was so loud. I don't know what it was but I was so happy to be part of the United States. I was glad that everyone no matter what country they were from are proud of their country. I just felt so happy to be part of this global love for the Lord.
We didn't know but the first weekend we were here, they were celebrating 195 years since the first missionaries came the Hawaii. All I can say is wow. I didn't know anything about how the gospel came here to Hawaii. As we went to different celebration, once again I saw how much Hawaiian culture means to the people. They were so happy to be able to share their culture with everyone who had come to visit. I was really inspired by everything I saw during the Saturday celebration.

The reason we had come to Kona was to be part of an African leadership conference. We got the chance to met three other pastors from Africa, who were also part of the conference. I have to say that we were so incredibly blessed  by every person that we met with. I believe that we met with every leader from every department from University of the Nations/YWAM.  We met with Loren and Darlene Cunningham who are the Founders of YWAM. As we met with Loren his dream is to get a Bible into every home. He knows that to make this happen we have to translate the Bible into the Languages that don't have Bibles. We are going to partner with him to help translate as many languages as possible in Africa. The idea that everyone will get a Bible, no matter their language is truly amazing.
We were busy everyday that we were here but we are so inspired but what we heard. We know that we cannot do this ministry ourselves, we are going to need help and ideas. I feel like our time here was to realize that there are so many things that we can do for the Kingdom. I have to admit I was a bit overwhelmed by hearing every one's visions and ideas. We heard from people who can teach language and reading in two weeks, the I.T department, education, event planning, media department, Word by Heart, ETC. My mind has been blown by how many ways we can serve the Lord. We have made important partnerships, where people are willing to come to D.R Congo to help us train people in certain areas to improve the community and to bless the ministry. We have been so encouraged by all the people who took time to pray for us or give us encouraging words.

On Monday we will be traveling back to Africa. It feels like we have been gone for so long. We are really excited to get back and start working. As we go back there are some things we do need prayer for:
-safe travels
-more staff
-our new partnerships
-land for our base
-monthly support

Thank you everyone who has blessed us while we were here in the States. It was so nice to see such an outpouring of love. God Bless.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Extended time in the US

We are so excited to say that we are staying in America until April 27th. This last week we were invited to the University of the Nations YWAM base in Kona Hawaii. While we were there we saw so many blessings. We had meetings with many leaders at the base and even got to speak at the thursday night gathering that had over 1,000 people. While we were there we were asked to come back in April to attend an African Pastors Gathering. Below is what the gathering is about. 
“We are in an amazing season of time, as Bible translation is progressing at a pace never before seen. We expect the last of the 7000 languages spoken on earth to begin translation sometime between 2020 and 2025. And we can expect that the translation and publicationprocess will have progressed so much that by 2033, everyone on earth will have the Scriptures available in their mother tongue! That year will mark the second millennium anniversary since the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! What an important milestone! Just think of it: for the first time in history everyone will have access to God’s written Word in his/her own heart language. What an exciting time to be alive! Indeed, God is certainly at work around the globe preparing for a great new wave of Kingdom harvest. We believe this coming spiritual awakening will be fed and undergirded by a new level of engagement with God’s Word. As Bible poverty is eradicated and the Scriptures spread throughout the earth we can expect God to draw people to Himself, resulting in the redemption of individuals and the transformation of nations.
In light of this opportunity we felt it imperative to visit with key leaders who represent the various streams of the Christian tradition as well as those engaged in filling the world with God’s Word. Our purpose was to be cheerleaders, encouraging these leaders to encourage their constituents to engage afresh with God’s Word. At the same time we wanted to explore with them means of collaboration and cooperation around the Scriptures: getting them translated, produced, distributed, read, used, understood, and applied. We wanted to hear what these leaders are doing in these areas and learn from them as we also shared with them what we see happening in these categories. Though these leaders represent many different Christian traditions we all agree that the Bible is God’s Word, and it needs to take a vibrant place in the life of the reader.” Lauren Cunningham

When Fahamu and I heard about this meeting, we were so excited. As we prayed we realised that it was very important for us to attend. We looked at our finances we saw that we could just move our tickets back a couple months rather then fly to the D.R Congo and back to Hawaii. This means we will be in America for another two months. 
As we shared our dreams and visions with so many people in Kona it was so exciting to see how many  cared and encouraged us.  We saw this small dream we had, become more and more real. We know that what lies ahead of us will be tough but we have so many people who are standing behind us. Thank you everyone who is praying  for us and supporting us. You really don´t know how much it has blessed us. I will write a more detailed account about our time in Kona. We just wanted to share the big news of our extended time in the states. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Only a couple weeks left

I can´t believe that in less then a month we will be back in Africa. So far we have been to Oregon, Idaho, California, Nevada and soon Hawaii. We have been blessed and humbled by all the support we have seen. We have spoken at many churches and small groups to tell people about what we are doing in the Congo. The response we have seen is so great. People and churches have come to stand along side us, to encourage us and to comfort us. I have seen how my first impressions of a person and church can be misleading. That God has taught me to look much deeper then skin deep. Churches may be small but their hearts are huge, someone may look poor but their riches are in God. I have been blow away at just how many people really care for us and our ministry. God has called us to do this ministry but He has also provided encouragement for us. He knows what we need and who we need, then He placed those people and things in our lives.
I think that when we meet people we never know what role they will play in our lives. We never know what experiences will change or guide our future. I was once told that I put God in a box, but I think I do the same with people. I think that they haven´t changed in the years since I knew them, that they are the exact same person I went to school with. People change and God changes people´s hearts. There has been so much encouragement for Fahamu and I, that I know that I can´t put people in a box. God can and will use anyone for anything. I feel honored that God has blessed us with so many caring people. Last year when I went to the Congo, I felt alone. This time going back I can feel the encouragement and love from the people here. I´m excited to go back and see all our friends, family and our ministries.
As we prepare to head back to Africa we are still in need of a couple of things we need a laptop and camera bag and need a pelican case. We ask that you continue to join with us in prayer as we continue to prepare for our trip to Africa. Tomorrow we will be speaking at at Northwest Christian University and on the 23d we will be headed to Hawaii where we will be speaking at the YWAM base there. Thank you for everyone who has taken time to listen us and to pray for us. God Bless.